Porn Watchers Could Have Their Face Scanned If New Legislation Passes

Porn users could have their faces scanned to prove their age, with extra checks for young-looking adults, draft guidance from Ofcom suggests.

The watchdog has set out a number of ways explicit sites could prevent children from viewing pornography.

The average age children first view pornography is 13, a survey suggests.

Explicit website Pornhub said regulations requiring the collection of "highly sensitive personal information" could jeopardise user safety.

Privacy campaigners have also criticised the proposals warning of "catastrophic" consequences if data from age checks is leaked.

"Amateur POV big titties teacher? That wasn't me"

"Sir, we have facial recognition technology"

Giphy Images.

This is super fucked up though. You can't be scanning and recording faces to get into porn sites. Absurd. How about a little privacy? When is enough enoguh? I am almost positive that tiktok and google know my entire search history can could use it to frame me at some point, but without facial recognition there is still plausible deniability. Someone stole my phone. Someone logged in under my name. Someone, anyone, is the pervert, not me. I feel shame almost every hour of every day and 98% of that shame happens publicly because of this job. Give me that one instance where I can feel shame just with myself. 

PS: Above is how you gif. It's an ELITE gif. A gif that should've made it to the GIF draft top 4 IMO

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